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Baldor-Reliance Food Safe Motors

Baldor-Reliance Food Safe Motors

Baldor-Reliance washdown duty motors come in a variety of designs to fit the many needs in the marketplace. From white washdown to paint-free, stainless steel to food safe, these choices allow you to select the right motor for protection required for your specific application.

While some applications may see just a light washdown, others may require the harshest high-pressure cleaning and caustics. Built in US manufacturing facilities and available from our industry leading global distribution network assures that Baldor-Reliance washdown motors are available when and where you need them. Each design is specifically tailored to different areas/zones within a production environment. We have a solution to keep your motors in service longer, less unplanned downtime, with fewer failures, no matter how harsh the conditions.

Contact your nearest BDI location for more information or complete the form below.

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