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Schaeffler Optime

Schaeffler OPTIME

Winner of the coveted Red Dot Design Award in two categories, Schaeffler OPTIME is a highly scalable, easy-to-use and low-cost solution designed specifically for the comprehensive condition monitoring of all balance of plant assets across entire manufacturing facilities.

OPTIME consists of three components: 1) battery-operated sensors that install in minutes; 2) a wireless mesh gateway; 3) a digital analysis service based on proprietary algorithms derived from Schaeffler’s 140+ years of bearing knowledge and condition monitoring expertise. For just pennies per day, OPTIME provides 15,000 measurements per sensor per year, with each sensor capturing 7 KPIs (6 vibration measurements plus temperature) at preset intervals.

The data captured by the sensors is analyzed using proprietary algorithms that draw on Schaeffler’s technical expertise, its extensive library of physical models developed and refined over many decades, and the experience in condition monitoring that Schaeffler has built up in the course of its bearing servicing operations. Best of all, OPTIME can be installed and put into operation without any prior condition monitoring expertise.

Being able to monitor the condition of all assets within a manufacturing operation is fundamental to the reliable prevention of unplanned machine downtime and plant shutdowns. Thanks to OPTIME by Schaeffler, you now have a cost-effective, wireless answer to unplanned downtime.

Contact your nearest BDI location for more information about Schaeffler OPTIME.

OPTIME SENSOR KIT (non-breakable), 10 sensors with mounting pads, 5 kHz Fmax

Communication Gateway for use with OPTIME sensors


Schaeffler OPTIME PDF Image_538px.jpg